I miss Rush Limbaugh.
During the Biden years I couldn’t help imagining him up in Heaven
begging God to put him back in the game. Today I imagine him sitting in a bar
smoking a cigar with Ronald Reagan and buying a round for the house every time
a new EO drops. When he was here however there were a few things that he used
to say that I loved because of their clarity.
He always pointed out that illegal immigration was all about votes and
that Democrats were hypocrites on the issue.
He’d suggest that if it was really compassion that drove the issue, the
solution was simple: immediately legalize them with the caveat that they could
never vote. Democrats, of course, never
went for it.
He also used to use reductio ad absurdum to
demonstrate the absurdity of Democrat policies.
My favorite had to do with minimum wages. When Democrats were first
calling for a minimum wage of $15, then $20, Limbaugh would argue “why stop
there” and suggest $50 or $200 an hour.
He’d of course demonstrate how that lunacy would impact the rest of the
economy and things would simply go awry.
The notion that the United States should or could support
millions of people who cross our border illegally is simply insane. Well,
technically it’s not exactly insane in that the people proposing it see it as a
rational way to increase and sustain their wealth and power. Democrats need ever more people dependent on
them to overcome the rationality of actual Americans who increasingly see them
for the grifters they are.
What’s worse than the millions of people streaming across
our borders is the fact that it’s been facilitated by, indeed driven by
American taxpayers, through USAID
and other government
programs. Americans are literally spending billions of dollars a year in
order to facilitate the invasion of their country by millions of illegals who
then need to be taken care of by those same taxpayers!
Gad Saad, the author of The
Parasitic Mind is writing a book called Suicidal Empathy where he is
expected to talk about the west committing cultural suicide by importing tens
of millions of non-westerners then essentially abandoning the fundamental
concepts that underly western civilization in order to show empathy and avoid
being called racists.
In one
of Saad’s retweets is a chart showing crime statistics in Denmark. It showcases the fact that immigrants from
third world countries in Asia and Africa are committing violent crimes at an
exponentially higher rate than Danes or citizens from other western nations,
yet Denmark continues to import these high crime immigrants by the tens of
thousands. Of course this same outcome is replicated
throughout the
west. In the US, we’re told that illegals
commit fewer crimes than Americans, but the truth is – if you disregard the
fact that 100% of illegals are in fact criminals by definition – the only group
against whom that claim is actually true is black Americans, who commit
crimes such as murder at literally 10 times the rate of the majority whites.
But we’re told allowing this migration from their broken
countries is the “compassionate” thing to do…
Except it’s not. If one were to apply reductio ad
absurdum to this situation the west will simply collapse and Europe will
end up part of the Caliphate and America will become just another Latin
American banana republic. How will that work for prosperity? For freedom? For continued advances of
civilization? From the looks of Iraq,
Turkey, Mexico or Venezuela, not particularly well.
The truth is, if liberals really were interested in helping
the disadvantaged from 3rd world countries, they’d force those
fleeing to remain and clean up their own countries. Allowing those with the motivation and
intestinal fortitude to make the trip across the Mexican desert in order to
swim across the Rio Grande saps the spirit of their home countries. If they
were forced to stay they would likely be the ones pushing hardest for change
and improving their countries.
But they are not, because of western liberals.
These western liberals see themselves as the helping hand of
God, rescuing the downtrodden, when in reality they are Satan helping to
destroy the nations from which said downtrodden emigrated (and simultaneously
the ones they immigrate to).
In her outstanding 2010 book, Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working
and How There Is a Better Way for Africa, economist Dambisa Moyo argues
that western aid (at least the little that actually makes it to its
destination) undermines much of Africa because it kills domestic farming and industry,
often leaving the nations dependent on further handouts.
Just as parks post signs saying “Please don’t feed the
wildlife” because they don’t want the bears to become dependent on food from
humans, so too the west should get out of the aid business.
If the goal was to actually help citizens of 3rd
world countries, these liberals would embark on the long term journey of
teaching them the precepts that underly functioning and prosperous
nations: Rule of law, free markets and
private property, combined with limited government – things which many western
nations have forgotten.
And it is possible to do.
The Jews built a breadbasket and then a nation out of what was largely a
desolate desert in the late 19th century. Hong Kong was a small city 60 years ago but
today it’s a bustling world
class (albeit Communist) metropolis.
The same holds true
for Dubai – only faster! And indeed, changes can happen on a national scale,
sometimes quite quickly. Look at what’s
been done in El
Salvador in five years and Argentina
in one. It’s amazing what a people can
do if motivated to do so.
But sadly, most of the motivated people in the 3rd
world aren’t using that spirit to build their nations; they’re abandoning their
homes for Europe and America… only in most cases to try and replicate the
dysfunctional society they escaped in cushier environs. And as the rapidly unfolding USAID scandal
showcases, much of the money for that invasion is being driven by leftists and paid
for by American taxpayers. No doubt Rush is watching from above saying “See, I
told you so…”
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