I grew up in the shadow of World War II. It had been over for almost 30 years by the time I started school, but nonetheless WW II was probably the most talked about subject in my history classes throughout. But the funny thing is, as close as it was, it seemed like it was ancient history. It was finished. The evil Nazis were vanquished and the world had moved on. America and her allies had won and there were new enemies to slay.
While too young to understand Vietnam when it was raging, by
high school I had a better grasp of world events and we were living on
Guantanamo Bay, down in Cuba. Although today
it’s more well known for its prison facilities, at the time it was a U.S. Navy training
/ support station and the enemy was the Soviets and Fidel Castro.
In the late 80’s after college, I was stationed with the
Army in West Germany and our biggest alerts were usually related to the East
Germans and they killed an American officer while I was there. I don’t remember all the details but the
Americans said he was on an approved inspection mission and the East Germans
said he was spying.
Throughout these decades, I always knew that America was on
the right side of history. It was not
that I’d been brainwashed, but it always seemed to me that an objective
analysis of the circumstances, from WW II to Korea to Vietnam to the Cold War,
America was the good guy, trying to do what’s right. It’s a funny thing about the “good guy”
framework, however, that everybody, even the guys who we know are the bad guys,
think they’re the good guys!
Nor is it that I never questioned anything. In college (of course) I had professors who
said the US was the bad guy in Vietnam and that the Soviets only built missiles
to defend themselves against the imperialist Americans. I disagreed but my
words fell on deaf ears.
So now we are here 35 years since the collapse of our last
superpower enemy and a quarter century from 9/11, and I’m starting to wonder if
America’s still the good guy.
Some time ago it dawned on me that for most of my life I had
given the government the benefit of the doubt.
Indeed, while imperfect and often inefficient and ineffective on a wide
variety of policies, my default position for most of my life had been that the
government was, at the end of the day, working for the American people.
Today, sadly, my default position is literally the
In college I read Robert A. Caro’s biography of Lindon
Johnson and according to it LBJ was a deeply egotistical, power hungry son of a
bitch who would sell his mother to get power. While I think that’s clearly true,
it seems that once in office he was genuinely interested in helping people and
solving America’s problems. While he was a feckless buffoon as it relates to
Vietnam, in domestic matters he wanted to help solve long standing problems,
and that intention is not diminished by the fact that his programs were
stunning failures.
That’s the way it is sometimes, people in government make
mistakes. We all know that. But what has happened over the last two decades is
a much different animal. Beginning with Barack Obama using the IRS to shut down
Tea Party groups and right up until the moment someone in the White House used
Joe Biden’s autopen to give pardons
to half the Democrat Party and their swamp comrades, the American
government has transformed from a virtuous, if frequently stumbling, vehicle
for safely navigating the country through the chaos of life into an autonomous
borg that largely operates without effective constraint and almost solely for
the purpose of perpetuating itself.
This, like so much of the rest of government is far beyond
incompetence. It’s criminal. It’s ceased to be a vehicle for ensuring the
freedom of American citizens and promoting the interests of the United
States. It’s literally become the
opposite. From funding
prosecutors who release violent criminals into American communities and funding
leftist thefts of elections while quashing of free speech internationally,
to funding
the invasion of our country and undermining
the Bill of Rights, the American government has become the enemy
If nothing else, Donald Trump and DOGE should be applauded
for exposing what so many of us felt for so long but could never quite put our
fingers on.
Somewhat like learning that there is no Santa Claus, in the
back of my mind I’m a bit wistful for that feeling of inner peace I had when I
used to think of the country and the government as a single inherently good
entity. While I think the former still is good, the latter, not so much, and I
was late to the party in internalizing the idea of a difference between the
two. For me Uncle Sam was America and the government combined. Sadly, the Democrats weren’t under that
illusion, and their recognizing the dichotomy long ago gave them decades to
brainwash their constituents and hide the inner workings of their machine in
plain site, behind countless official looking government seals and compassionate
sounding NGOs.
Despite what the Democrat / bureaucrat borg has wrought, I
firmly believe America remains a great, if imperfect nation and I remain
convinced that taken as a whole throughout most of her 250 years, the county
and the government have been mostly on the right side of history. To the degree that that’s no longer true for
the government, I’m glad we’re at a point where much of its malfeasance and
malevolence is being exposed. It will take a long time and a lot of courage on
the part of Republican politicians to fix this situation, but at least it’s
being exposed before it’s too late. We’ll see in the next two years if the GOP
has the courage necessary to actually set a course for bringing government back
under the control of the citizens. Rand Paul, Mike Lee & Thomas Massie have
their work cut out for themselves… Hopefully they’ll get some help along the