Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Debate Was A Kabuki Performance That May Have Opened Democrats’ Eyes

This post was written on June 28th, 2024 but is being posted here now...

You might think what you saw on Thursday night was a debate.  It wasn’t.  Well, technically it was in that it had all of the requisite elements to it, i.e. candidates, microphones, moderators, TV cameras, etc., but make no mistake, what you were watching was a highly scripted, highly choreographed Kaubki theater play that you weren’t supposed to recognize as such. 

Every single American with a functioning brain already knew that Joe Biden was mentally unfit for the position he held.  From the stumbling to the bumbling to the mumbling it was crystal clear to anyone looking.  Despite that, we’ve been told by everyone from the press secretary to members of Congress to the media and every Democrat who could get in front of a camera that Biden was not only capable, but robust.

That of course was a lie.  We knew it was a lie, but they kept saying it, over and over as if their repeating it was going to make it real. They had to keep the facade of Biden's competency up until it was no longer needed.  Which brings us to Thursday's “debate” when reality hit the airwaves.  The June 27th date is important for two reasons.  The first is that because it’s sufficiently far from March 12th when Biden secured the Democrat nomination, there can be no do over or opportunity for anyone else to win the nomination.  There’s barely a month and a half left until the convention and logistically there’s no way that a process can be set up to give voters the chance to select a new nominee.

At the same time, it’s sufficiently far from the convention that the Democrat barons have enough time to send up trial balloons for their potential candidates, get feedback before the convention actually takes place then install their choice.  It’s still June!  One has to wonder why the Trump campaign agreed to such an early debate.  They had to know that the debate was going to demonstrate to the country that muttonhead was indeed incapable of managing a debate, nevermind running the country, which would necessitate the party replacing him.  Napoleon once said: 'Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.'  One has to ask why the Trump campaign facilitated the replacement of a zombie as their enemy with someone who by default would be a stronger opponent?

Nonetheless, unless some big money dark horse like Bob Iger or Jamie Dimon pops into the picture, the Democrat pooh-bahs’ choices are likely limited to Gavin Newsom, Michele Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Gretchen Whitmer and Jared Polis. Kamala Harris will only come into the conversation if a sufficient number of DEI cultists threaten to stay home. And finally, if for some reason none of the others can carry the standard and they get desperate enough, they just might try to woo RFK, Jr. back into the party.  All of those people have been largely vetted and most of their skeletons are already known so it’s unlikely that some October surprise is waiting if one of them gets chosen.

But here’s the thing, the moneymen and the cabal running the Democrat party might have miscalculated.  And their miscalculation may be the single biggest catalyst of a change in the American political theater in one night since Walter Cronkite’s Report From Vietnam on February 27, 1968.  On that night, America turned against the Vietnam War.  It didn’t matter that the Tet Offensive, to which Cronkite was reacting, was in reality a tactical disaster for the North, Cronkite essentially told America that they’d been lied to and that there was little possibility of winning the war.  After that it didn’t matter what happened on the ground, the war was lost in the media and in the minds of Americans. 

After Thursday’s utter disaster, a certain percentage of Democrats who believed what they were being told, that Biden was robust but just a bit forgetful, can no longer be under that illusion.  They may have been a little skeptical, but were willing to go along with it because everyone, all the important people, the officials at the White House to the spokesmen for the entire government to the media and countless talking heads were telling them that they weren’t seeing what they were actually seeing. “The king is wearing clothes!” I’m not going to suggest that all Democrats or even a majority are going to have been red pilled… but some will.

There’s going to be a certain number of Democrats who step back and say, “Wait a minute!” and recognize that they had been lied to about everything for at least the last two years. The stumbling while walking up the stairs.  The shaking hands with ghosts.  The walking the wrong way during photo shoots and the nonsensical utterances and non-answers to questions.  All of it was explained away in a manner that suggested they weren’t seeing what they were actually seeing.  Now they know the truth, and know they have been lied to, taken advantage of and taken for granted… and some will be mad as hell about it and say, “If they were lying to me about this, what the hell else have they been lying to me about?

And it’s not like they have to look very far.  They’ve been told that Donald Trump is basically the devil incarnate and if you watched the debate, that’s certainly not true.  They tried to say that it was Trump who is losing his capacities and if you watched the debate that’s clearly not an issue.  “If all of that is a lie, what else is?”  And that’s the last thing the Democrat elites need or want, a voter who actually starts to look and learn for themselves, particularly one with a skeptical eye to their approved media and the Democrats’ propaganda. 

Now, again, I don’t expect this to be a majority or even a numerically significant minority of the Democrats and independents.  But then it doesn’t really have to be.  The last election, in which over 150 million votes were cast, was “decided” by somewhere in the ballpark of 100,000 votes, or about .0006% of the total vote.  What’s more, after the 2020 election 9.4% of Biden voters said they would likely have changed their vote had they known the Hunter laptop story was true. 

Finally, there are going to be other Democrats, who wanted someone other than Biden but now feel like they were bamboozled and they were cheated like Bernie’s voters felt in 2016, who very well may stay home or vote for some other candidate other than the one the elites and moneymen force on the party. 

We’ll see how this plays out, but this would not be the first time in history when the elites who think they’re smarter than the plebs have overplayed their hands and ended up sinking their own boat. Hillary Clinton can tell you a little something about that. 

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