Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Trump’s Resilience And The Inevitable Endpoint of Democrat Politics

First published on July 19th...

Forty years ago, after the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan I remember watching ABC anchor Frank Renyolds violently slam his fist on the desk when he was given some conflicting information about the president’s fate.  The ABC brass quickly marched Sam Donaldson out to co-host, hoping to keep Renyolds calm. The country was shocked and somber.  While the left disliked Reagan, there wasn’t a hint of joy (that I remember) expressed that he had been shot or that it was unfortunate that he survived.

Fast forward 43 years and we have another maverick Republican president (albeit not in office at the time) who’s wounded by a would be assassin’s bullet.  This time, while most of the country was shocked and appalled, there’s a significant element of the press and the left who argue that the president was responsible for the shooting, as others openly wish the shooter hadn’t missed. 

What’s interesting is that as every day goes by we find out more about the utter absurd, incompetence or worse that put Trump at risk.  We discover that the DEI clown running the Secret Service diverted Trump’s usual detail to protect her patron, Jill Biden and left Trump with the practice squad.  What’s worse, we discover that the building upon which the would be assassin set himself didn’t have a sniper on it because the roof was sloped – and a SS sniper might fall off – and that authorities knew the killer was there for more than 20 minutes before the first shot rang out. They were even in the building itself!  The most charitable assessment is that those in charge are utterly incompetent imbeciles.  A less charitable assessment would conclude that they were somehow complicit in the attack. 

But of course this is just the latest attempt to destroy Trump. The Democrats conspired to sabotage him from before he was president and never gave up.  There have been lies about Russia, kids in cages, “Good people on both sides,” suckers and losers, and of course Trump encouraging the drinking of bleach. He was impeached for talking with Ukraine, investigated for allegedly trying to coerce Georgia’s Secretary of State of Georgia to create votes after the 2020 election and impeached for incitement of the January 6th “Insurrection” despite the fact that no such insurrection occurred.  And the countless manufactured court cases were just more of the same. 

All the while Democrats and their mouthpieces in the Propaganda Ministry have been telling Americans that Trump is a threat to the nation, calling him Hitler and suggesting that if he gets into office he’ll never leave. 

Donald Trump has been on the defensive for the last eight years.  What’s more, his supporters have been abused, harassed, thrown in jail and in the case of Ashli Babbitt on January 6th and Corey Comperatore on Saturday, killed.

All of this presents a picture of America that is much different than the one that the Democrats and their fellow travelers in the swamp and the media want you to think exists, and last night Joe Biden inadvertently highlighted it.  He told the NAACP “And when you peacefully protested George Floyd’s murder, Donald Trump called for the National Guard to go after you.” 

Democrats tell us it is the Republicans who are violent and dangerous.  That’s gaslighting.  Contra Biden’s assertion, I don’t remember the Floyd riots being particularly peaceful.  There were riots across the country, more than a dozen people died and that entire summer was full of violence.  Nor do I remember the protests after the death of Michael Brown or Freddie Gray being particularly peaceful. Thinking back even further, I don’t remember Seattle’s WTO protests in 1999 being peaceful nor the World Bank protests in Washington the next year. And the Democratic National Convention in 1968 wasn’t marked by peaceful protest either.  And more recently we’ve seen the Hamas supporting thug wing of the Democrat party unleash violence and chaos across the country. 

During that Floyd inspired “Summer of love” Democrats were calling for and supporting violence against the fiction of “systemic racism”. And now, while claiming they never encourage violence, they’ve been telling their sheeple for years that Trump is the new Hitler, a threat to freedom and a threat to “our democracy”.  They and their cronies have suggested that if he gets back into office he’ll likely never leave.

One wonders, given the left’s extraordinary propensity for violence, what might have happened if rather than Trump being shot, it was the sainted Barack Obama in the crosshairs when he was a candidate?  And what if the attempt had been successful?  I can only imagine that the resulting cataclysm would have made the “Summer of Love” look like a Boy Scout camp fire.

But it wasn’t Barack Obama and there weren’t any riots.  As a matter of fact, there weren’t any protest marches, there weren’t any threats of violence, there was… nothing.  And that’s the difference between Republicans and Democrats. One seeks to govern and advance its agenda through debate, legislation and the ballot box while the other seeks to use slander, intimidation and violence to achieve its means.

The last time Republicans were given a proverbial punch in the face – the stolen 2020 election – what did they do?  They protested in Washington, and almost all of the them doing so peacefully, as Trump had implored them to.  Unfortunately, Democrats conspired to leave the capital largely unguarded and decried the GOP when the predictable chaos ensued after police and agents incited a riot by firing stun grenades and rubber bullets into the peaceful crowd. This of course was labeled an “insurrection” but it was nothing of the sort. Whatever it was, it was not equivalent to the Democrat’s Summer of Love with burning cities, widespread violence and murders of innocent people.  That’s simply not the Republican way.

The bottom line is, Democrats think we live in a democracy while Republicans – for the most part – understand we live in a republic.  The former is the hallmark of tyranny of men while the latter defines a nation based on freedom and rights guaranteed by a constitution.   

So that is where we stand today.  We’re not at a hot war, but then we’re not far from it.  The Democrats and their comrades in the media along with their Antifa, BLM and pro Hamas stormtroopers have made it clear that a GOP victory in November will essentially put America where Germany was in the early 1930s.  That logic, taken to its logical conclusion, asks if you could go back in time and kill Hitler, would you?  Many of us might say yes. Well Democrats are telling us that we’re facing the same threat now in the form of Donald Trump. Given the level of gullibility and mental illness that characterizes the left, how many of them will not choose to become martyrs for the cause, or at a minimum, foot soldiers?  Let’s hope this attempted assassination has a silver lining, that the rhetoric on the left is dialed down a few notches and a few Democrats start listening to sources outside their silo.  If Amber Rose can do it, maybe a few million others could too and there just might be hope that Trump’s coming victory won’t trigger a leftist cataclysm.

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